Frequently asked questions

Everything You are interested in


There are two ways to register for individuals. The first way is through our registration form, ie by creating a user account directly with us on the application by filling in the fields profile picture, username, e-mail address, password and repeated password. Another way is to use one of your existing facebook or discord accounts.

Legal entity is registered by filling in the registration form for legal entities, which consists of a profile picture-logo, company name, full name of the company, e-mail address, PIB, MB, country, city, street, address number, code and repeated codes.

Registration is confirmed by clicking on the received link which is sent via confirmation e-mail.

If an error occurred while filling in the registration form, the error will be displayed below the input field where the error occurred.

And if after several steps of repeating the same mistake you are not able to register yourself, call our contact center for support.

Ako dođe do problema sa konfirmacijom registracije, možete poslati e-mail u kojem će te objasniti Vaš problem i poslati sliku vašeg ekranana, na adresu

You log in by entering your email address and personal information via a login form consisting of an email address, password and recaptcha field that serves to defend against robots. If you prefer logging in via social networks, Facebook and Discord are your choices, which allow you to log in quickly.

2FA se može aktivirati samo nakon verifikacije naloga, a aktivira se na stranici aplikacije Podešavanja>Račun. Tako što se zatraži zahtev sa generisanje 2FA tajne u obliku QR Koda ili Stringa, koji se onda ubacuje u Google Auth aplikaciju skeniranjem QR Koda ili ručnim upisivanjem tajne. Nakon povezivanja sa Google Auth aplikacijom, na svakih minut će se generisati nova OTP šifra koja se kasnije unosi u aplikaciju pri svakom loginu.

In case you forget the password, click on the button "Forgot password? RESET ”will send you an e-mail to reset the password, which contains a link to click on and which will take you to the page to reset the password.

If you are unable to remember your email, call our support center.

If you lose 2FA you should send an email to in which you will explain what happened and how the 2FA code was lost, after which you will be sent an e-mail with further instructions.

Verification (individual and legal persons)

Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process by which companies verify the identity of their customers. This process is used by banks as well as other financial institutions. This process is in fact a legal obligation to verify identity and provides confirmation that the users are the ones they represent.

For the KYC procedure, you need an identification document in the form of a Passport or ID Card by filling in three types of forms.

The KYC procedure lasts a maximum of 2 working days, after which the client receives an email with a response on the outcome of the procedure and further steps of the work.

Depending on the exact problems with the KYC procedure, it is necessary to supplement the case and send the necessary requests for possible supplementation of the case in an email communication with a company employee.

Know Your Bussines (KYB) is the process by which companies verify the identity of their corporate clients. This process is used by banks as well as other financial institutions. This process is in fact a legal obligation to verify the identity of the beneficial owners of the legal entity and provides confirmation that the beneficiaries are those for whom they represent themselves.

An ID card or passport is required for each old owner of the company, while a Decision on company registration (excerpt from the APR) is required for the company.

The KYB procedure lasts a maximum of 2 working days, after which the client receives an email with a response on the outcome of the procedure and further steps of the work.

Depending on the exact problems with the KYB procedure, it is necessary to complete the case and send the necessary requests for possible completion of the case in an email communication with a company employee.

MARKET (prime, special)

Tu se nalazi 50 izdvojenih kriptovaluta koje se najčešće koriste, a to su: 


Na Special marketu se nalazi veoma veliki izbor drugih kriptovaluta koje se ne koriste vrlo često od strane klijenata pa samim tim spadaju u drugu kategoriju i imaju druge provizije pri transakcijama.

Dugme info prikazuje detaljno objašnjenje i tehničke karakteristike svake pojedinačne kriptovalute.

Prvo se na market strani izabere kriptovaluta nakon čega se pojavljuje dugme “Uplati”, klik na to dugme će Vas odvesti na stranu Uplati gde se vrši uplata. Uplata se vrši popunjavanjem forme za uplatu koja se sastoji od:
Wallet Adrese sa koje se vrši uplata, količine izabranih kriptovaluta i dodatnih informacija o uplati i na kraju je dugme “Potvrdi”. Nakon toga će se na ekranu pojaviti naša wallet adresa na koju treba da pošaljete izabrani iznos te kriptovalute sa vaše wallet adrese navedene u formi za uplatu.

To znači da ta transakcija nije izvršena na blockchainu, odnosno da kriptovalutu trenutno ne posedujete na našoj aplikaciji. U tom slučaju obavezno izvršite proveru vaše transakcije na blockchinu, podataka koje ste upisali pri transakciji i proverite broj konfirmcija koje su prošle. U slučaju da nije prošao dovoljan broj konfirmacija na blockchainu potrebno je sačekati. A u slučaju greške u slanju obavezno kontaktirajte našu službu podrške.

Klikom na dugme Alert, aplikacija će Vas odvesti na stranu za uključivanje Upozorenja, gde možete definisati i kreirati obaveštenje za određenu promenu u ceni te kriptovalute, za koju će Vam biti poslata specijalna notifikacija.

Alert po ceni se definiše unosom tačne cene odabrane kriptovalute, na primer: izaberete u dropdown meniju “Obaveštenje po ceni”, a zatim unesete cenu koja će biti okidač za obaveštenje, recimo 3000.

Alert per change is defined by entering a price change that can be in the format of a percentage or a specific number as well as selecting the direction in which the change will occur, for example: select "Change per notification" in the dropdown menu, then enter the change value , choose whether you want by percentage or by specific value (%) and finally choose the direction of price change (below).

The alert is turned off by clicking on the "Cancel alert" button located in the upper right corner of the specific alert you want to turn off. Which means that each alert is defined, started and turned off separately.

ACCOUNT (balance and portfolio)

Balans ekran prikazuje listu kriptovaluta koje posedujete na računu menjačnice i koja je trenutno njihova količina i vrednost na našoj menjačnici.

The portfolio screen is a graphical display of your Balance on our exchange office and serves to make it easier to monitor the current status of the client's account through display visualization.

Balance and portfolio screen data is real-time data and is refreshed every 4-5 seconds.

Deposit/Withdraw (fiat money)

Za uplatu fiat valute dovoljno je da u aplikaciji na strani Račun>Balans kliknete na željenu fiat valutu nakon čega će se pojaviti dugme “Uplati”. Klik na to dugme će Vas odvesti na stranicu sa predefinisanom uplatnicom u kojoj unosite iznos uplate i potvrđujete klikom na dugme “Potvrdi”. Time ste inicirali ličnu uplatu odabrane fiat valute koju treba da sprovedete prema kreiranoj uplatnici u vašoj poslovnoj banci.

There is no commission for payments of any fiat currency to the client's account in the exchange office, 0% is the commission.

Ograničenja za uplatu ne postoji za maksimalni iznos,  dok je za minimalni iznos 10EUR=20KM zavisno od valute uplate.

Za isplatu fiat valuta dovoljno je da u aplikaciji na strani Račun>Balans kliknete na željenu fiat valutu nakon čega će se pojaviti dugme “Isplati”, klik na to dugme će Vas odvesti na stranu za isplatu izabrane fiat valute popunjavanjem željenog iznosa i vašeg ličnog broja računa u Banci na koji želite da Vam bude izvršena isplata, što potvrđujete klikom na dugme “Isplati”.

Za isplate bilo koje fiat valute sa računa klijenta u menjačnici na račun klijenta u banci provizija je od 1% do 2% u zavisnosti od kategorije naloga.

Postoje tri kategorije korisnika, a to su:

Standard – 2% provizija

Premium – 1.5% provizija

VIP – 1% provizija

Payment is usually made on the next working day from the moment of activation, while in exceptional cases of increased workload, it can be a maximum of three working days from the moment of activation.

Ograničenja za isplatu, za jednog klijenta, je maksimum 10.000EUR=20.000KM po jednom radnom danu, dok je minimum za isplatu 10EUR=20KM zavisno od valute isplate.
Ograničenja za uplatu ne postoji za maksimalni iznos, dok je za minimalni iznos 10EUR=20KM zavisno od valute uplate.
Za detaljnije informacije o uplatama i isplatama pogledajte Tarifnik.

It is not possible, payments and cash payments are legally prohibited.

EXCHANGE OFFICE (buy, sell, exchange)

Osnovni preduslov za kupovinu je da prethodno imate novčanih sredstava na računu u aplikaciji. Zatim se na market strani izabere kriptovalute nakon čega se pojavljuje dugme “Kupi”, klik na to dugme će Vas odvesti na stranu “Kupi” gde se vrši kupovina. Kupovina se vrši popunjavanjem količine izabranog digitalnog tokena kog  želite da kupite dok se trenutna kupoprodajna cena automatski ažurira. Na kraju izvršite potvrdu klikom na dugme “Kupi” i klikom na konfirmacioni ekran dugme “Potvrdi”.

Provizija za kupovinu svih kriptovaluta na Prime marketu je od 1% do 2% u zavisnosti od kategorije naloga, i obračunava se automatski pri transakciji.

Postoje tri kategorije korisnika, a to su:

Standard – 2% provizija

Premium – 1.5% provizija

VIP – 1% provizija

Na Balans strani u Račun sekciji izaberete jednu od kriptovaluta nakog čega će se pojaviti dugme “Prodaj”, klik na to dugme će Vas odvesti na stranu “Prodaj” gde se vrši prodaja. Prodaja se izvršava popunjavanjem količine izabrane kriptovalute koju želite da prodate i potvrdom na dugme “Prodaj” uz konfirmaciju na dodatnom ekranu klikom na dugme “Potvrdi”.

Provizija za prodaju svih kriptovaluta na Prime marketu je od 1% do 2% u zavisnosti od kategorije naloga, i obračunava se automatski pri transakciji.

Postoje tri kategorije korisnika, a to su:

Standard – 2% provizija

Premium – 1.5% provizija

VIP – 1% provizija

Na Balans strani u Račun sekciji izaberete jednu od kriptovaluta, klik na tu kripto valutu će Vas odvesti direktno na stranu gde se vrši zamena. Zamena se izvršava odabirom kriptovalute koju želite da primite, popunjavanjem količine kriptovalute koju želite da date i iznosa koji dajete u zamenu za drugu kriptovalutu. Nakon definisanja zamene potvrđujete je na dugme “Zameni” uz konfirmaciju na dodatnom ekranu klikom na dugme “Potvrdi”.

Provizija za zamenu svih kriptovaluta na Prime marketu je 2% i obračunava se automatski pri transakciji.

PLEDGE (creditor, debtor)

At 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years.

Depending on the duration of the pledge, the prizes are 6%, 8%, 10% and 12% per annum (APR).

Prizes are paid monthly every 10th of the month to the account in the application.

At 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years.

Depending on the coverage of the loan and the duration of the pledge, the costs range from 6-14% per annum.

Expenses are paid monthly until the 5th of the month for the previous month in the currency of the loan over the counter in the application, ie they are automatically charged by debiting the given pledge every 5th of the month.

Only in the event of a large drop in the price of cryptocurrencies is it possible to carry out the forced liquidation of the pledge. It is performed at the moment when the value of the pledged cryptocurrency falls below 80% of the value of the borrowed currency (LTV), ie if the pledge coverage exceeds the ratio of 1: 1.25.

Prinudna likvidacija se izbegava na dva načina: dopunom pokrića zaloge sa povećavanjem digitalnog tokena kog dajete u zalogu kao Dužnik ili smanjenjem tokena koji je pozamljen sa prevremenom uplatom dela glavnice.

Termination of a certain pledge lot is possible at any time during its duration by clicking on the "Cancel pledge" button in the card of a specific pledge lot.

Termination of a certain pledge lot is possible at any time during its duration by clicking on the "Cancel pledge" button in the card of a specific pledge lot.

TAX (certificates)

You get it in digital form in the application on the page Invoice> Tax and you can export it in PDF format for further printing and use.

Porez na prodaju kriptovaluta na menjačnici predstavlja porez na kapitalnu dobit, odnosno porez na ostvarenu razliku u ceni prodajom kriptovaluta.

The exchange office does NOT report or inform the tax authorities about the transactions that have been performed. It is exclusively a personal obligation and responsibility of each individual.

CRYPTOPAL (procesiranje digitalnih plaćanja)

CryptoPal je payment procesor za kriptovalute koje isključivo firme i udruženja građana mogu da integrišu u svoje svakodnevno poslovanje bilo da je to online ili PoS, ili da se radi o fakturama između pravnih lica.

Any legal entity or citizens' association that has a verified account and integrated sales on our platform.

Options for payments via CryptoPal are: via integrated crypto exchanges, via our exchange office, via personal Wallet and via MetaBridge.

Trenutnio prihvata sve valute sa Prime marketa i to: 


The commission is 0%, there is no commission for receiving payments.

U Republici Srbiji pravna lica po odredbama zakona moraju da prime isključivo fiat valutu kao protivrednost određene digitalneuplate.

Sva druga pravna lica mogu da zadrže primljene kriptovalute i kasnije sami da izvrše njihovu prodaju za fiat valute. 

In order for a legal entity to be able to activate CryptoPal, it must have an open and verified user account on our platform. It must then go to the CryptoPal> Processing page and enable and link one of the Webshop, PoS, Instruction and Fund options there.

There are two ways to integrate, the first is to connect directly to our API, and the second is by installing the CryptoPal plugin for Woo Commerce and Shopify platforms.

CryptoPal integrates with Woo Commerce by installing the CryptoPal plugin for the Woo Commerce platform.

CryptoPal integrates with Shopify by installing the CryptoPal plugin for the Shopify platform.

Currently, these are just the CryptoPal Woo Commerce plugin and the CryptoPal Shopify plugin, while a number of other plugins are in preparation.

PRODAVCI (Merchanti - naplata digitalnim valutama)

On the CryptoPal> Processing page, clicking the Store tab and then clicking the Create Store button will take you to the Store Creation page. After that, you need to fill in the form for creating a store, which consists of the fields: Store name, store category and store web address. After filling out the form, you need to click on the "Create" button, and if everything is fine with the data, your store will be created, after which you are free to start using the CryptoPal service.

On the CryptoPal> Processing page, clicking the PoS tab and then clicking the “Create Account” button will take you to the account creation page. After that, you need to fill in the form for creating an account, which consists of the fields: Store, Account number or proforma invoice for payment, Total amount to be paid and Currency of payment. After filling out the form, you need to click on the "Create" button, which creates a payment instruction in the form of a QR code on your application. It is necessary to show the given QR code to the customer who, by scanning it, can make a specific crypto payment on a given account at your point of sale.

On the CryptoPal> Processing page, clicking the Instruction tab and then clicking the "Create Instruction" button will take you to the instruction creation page. After that, you need to fill in the form for creating an instruction, which consists of the fields: Store, Payment instruction number, Total payment amount and Payment currency. After filling out the form, you need to click on the "Create" button, which creates a payment instruction in the form of a QR code on your application. The given QR code must be exported and, if possible, pasted or merged with your invoice that you send to the customer for payment. By paying the same QR code, your payer can make a specific crypto payment on your invoice.

  1. Na strani CryptoPal > Procesiranje klikom na tab Fondovi pa zatim klik na dugme “Kreiraj Fond” će vas odvesti na stranu za kreiranje fondova. Nakon toga treba popufniti formu za kreiranje fonda koja se sastoji od polja: Naziv fonda i Rok trajanja fonda. Nakon popunjavanja forme treba da se klikne na dugme “Kreiraj” čime je kreirana instrukcija za uplatu u obliku QR coda za vaš dobrovoljni fond. Dati QR code je neophodno eksportovati i postaviti na bilo kom vidljivom mestu tokom kampanje za doniranje fondu. A takođe možete ovaj QR code koristiti i na kampanjama na socijalnim mrežama kako bi vam donatori slati digitalne uplate. Svaki vaš donator skeniranjem istoga QR coda može da izvrši konkretnu digitalnu uplatu u vaš fond.

TRADER TOOLS (trend, signal, force, graph)

Trend je algoritam baziran na tehničkim indikatorima fokusiranim na pravac kretanja cene kriptovaluta.

The signal is an algorithm based on technical indicators for showing changes in the direction of the price of a cryptocurrency.

Sila predstavlja procentualnu razliku u ceni trenutnog i prethodnog time frejma za određeni digitalni token.

The chart is a detailed OCHLV graphical representation of the price movement of a cryptocurrency in a certain time interval.

Na strani Trader > Trend, nalazi se veliko dugme sa znakom plus u sredini. Klikom na to dugme otvara se modal prozor u kojem se nalazi lista svih kripto parova, klikom na jedan od tih parova aktivirate sve Trader alate za taj kripto par. U zavisnosti od levela vašeg naloga, moći ćete da dodate ograničen broj kripto parova.


U gorenjem desnom uglu aplikacije nalazi se dugme za ćaskanje. Klik na to dugme će vas odvesti na stranu za ćaskanje. Sa desne strane se nalazi dugme sa plusom u sredini, a klik na to dugme će otvoriti novi modal prozor u kojem se nalazi forma za slanje novog zahteva za ćaskanje. Nakon popunjavanja te forme koja se sastoji od polja Korisničko ime i Poruka, klik na dugme “Pošalji” će poslati izabranom korisniku vaš zahtev za prijateljstvo i dalje ćaskanje.

  1. On the chat page, to the right is a list of all your chat friends. Clicking on the Block button in the lower right corner of the avatar of each chat opens a new modal window, and then clicking on the "Accept" button, the chat with the selected friend will be blocked.

Chat with TeslaCrypto Support is automatically started for all users. This chat is in the chat list like all others and is used exclusively for quick customer support. Please do not use this communication channel for inappropriate discussion.


In order to enable notifications, you need to agree and allow the application to send you notifications. And this is done by clicking "Allow" when a prompt pops up asking for permissions to display notifications. The prompt only pops up the first time you log in to the app from your browser. In every other entry you will have to enable notifications for the TeslaCrypto application via the browser settings.

The notifications were originally divided into two sections, Graphic Couples and Chat. For Graph Pairs you can receive notifications for each time interval of each crypto pair separately, while for Chat there are notifications with a request to chat and for new messages.

On the Settings> Notifications page, there are two sections, one is Graph Pairs and the other is Chat. Clicking on the Couples Graph section lists all crypto pairs that you have included in the Trader Tools section of the application. For each crypto pair there are 9 checkboxes, or one checkbox for each time interval. This means that you can turn notifications on and off for each time interval separately and so for each pair. Clicking on the Chat section opens a list of two options, the first with Chat Requests and the second with Messages. By checking these fields, you enable or disable notifications for the mentioned chat functionality.


The Settings> Level page lists all the levels that the user can have or can subscribe to. Each level can be included or purchased with a monthly or annual plan. Clicking on one of the two buttons within one of the levels activates that level and the payment from your account in the exchange office is automatically made.

On the Settings> Profile page, there is a Sync with Discord button. Clicking on this button opens a new modal window in which there is a button to confirm the connection of Discord with our application. If you do not have or are not currently logged in to your Discord account, the modal will contain a login form on Discord, after logging in or creating an account, your Discord account will be synchronized with our application, or with your user account.

On the Settings> Profile page, there is a Sync with Facebook button. Clicking on this button opens a new modal window which contains a button to confirm the connection of Facebook with our application. If you do not have or are not currently logged in to your Facebook account, there will be a form for logging in to Facebook, after logging in or creating an account, your Facebook account will be synchronized with our application, or with your user account.